Giving Back to the Community, Offering Education and More with Team Evergreen | Evergreen Eye Center

Giving Back to the Community, Offering Education and More with Team Evergreen

The team at Evergreen Eye Center has certainly been busy in our community over the past few weeks!

We sponsored the annual Maple Valley Black Diamond Chamber of Commerce Gala. The event took place at Rein Fire Ranch and was a huge success.

We also had a busy booth at the Burien Wellness Fair at Merrill Gardens. The team talked to dozens of seniors about eye health and gave out information about our Burien office.

Last weekend, you might have seen the Evergreen water booth at The Puget Sound Heart and Stroke Walk in Tacoma. Evergreen was a proud sponsor for this event. In fact, the American Heart Association was voted on by our employees as a charity to support in 2017. We had a community yard sale, dunk-the-docs (in a dunk tank!), raffles and more to raise money for our walk team.

We also dispatched a crew to the Great Western Council of Optometry (GWCO) meeting in Portland. We talked to several of our outstanding referring optometrists as well as many student optometrists who will be joining the workforce soon.

Our booth – keeping in the show’s theme of Hollywood: Spotlight on Eye Care – won 3rd place in the creative booth contest.

In case you were wondering if we were slowing down…we’re not slowing down!

Coming up this weekend is the VisionWalk in Seattle and Oktoberfest Northwest. We are sponsors for both events. Come and say hello to our team in the walk or visit us in our booth at Oktoberfest on Sunday in The Sports Haus.

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