The Evergreen Eye Center Team is Gearing Up for ASCRS ASOA 2018 | Evergreen Eye Center

The Evergreen Eye Center Team is Gearing Up for ASCRS ASOA 2018

Members of the leadership team at Evergreen Eye Center will be heading to Washington, DC for the ASCRS ASOA 2018 Annual Meeting. The meeting takes place April 13-17 at the Washington DC Convention Center. The event is the largest U.S. meeting for anterior segment specialists, practice management staff, and ophthalmic technicians and nurses.

Evergreen COO Zachary Smith will be busy giving several presentations. These include:

  • Getting Your Docs Onboard: Practical Strategies to Achieve and Maintain Physician Engagement in Compliance
  • It’s Your Call: Handling Patient Phone Calls Effectively to Drive Practice Growth
  • Succession Planning for Your Practice: A Strategic Approach to Prepare for Transitioning Physicians
  • To Merge or Not to Merge: That is the Question
  • Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Benchmarking to Turn Your Data into Dollars

Smith is also facilitating two other events:

  • Administrator Beginners Circle (ABC) Luncheon Panel Moderator
  • Roundtable Facilitator: My First Meeting/Orientation

Director of Marketing Indi Rooney will be speaking on the topic Telling Your Practice’s Unique Story through Dynamic Marketing Tactics and Better Branding.

In addition, internationally renowned dry eye expert Dr. Laura M. Periman will be speaking at special events during the meeting.

The 2018 ASCRS ASOA Annual Meeting gives attendees the chance to learn directly from the world’s thought leaders in ophthalmology, broaden network connections, and return with practical tools needed to improve their practice.

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